Modern classical ~ Ambient ~ Experimental

Vittoriano di Grazia
He studied piano, composition graduating in various Italian conservatories and continuing his studies in singing and conducting. He has played in various cities of Italy: Turin, La Spezia, Florence, Sorrento etc. He attended the courses of musical analysis at the S.i.d.a.m with Marco de Natale (Milan, Naples). He has published compositions and piano arrangements with Sonzogno, Santabarbara, Berben and have been performed or directed in public concerts by musicians like L. D’Elia, E.Volpe, N. Salza, L. Ottaiano, L. de Gennaro, S. Deidda, M. Squillante. He attended the master courses for soundtracks by Stelvio Cipriani (Rome '98). He collaborated with the C.A.M (Centro Arte Musica) in Naples for the international seminars of musical interpretation from 1987 to 1992 in collaboration with the Regione Campania and held by Donatoni, Short, Pennella, Darràs, Caracavallo, Camicia, Gaudino, Lanzetta, Prencipe, Vizioli, Yaslicam. With Blue Spiral Records he has recently published two teaching methods that have found considerable success in the academic field: “Metodo teorico/pratico di Lettura della Partitura” and “Chiavi Antiche”. Currently he is teacher of score reading at the Conservatory of Salerno.

Metodo teorico/pratico di Lettura della Partitura | Vittoriano di Grazia
Formato 21×29,7
Rilegato con Brossura cucita a filo refe
Copertina 300gr plastificata opaca
Pagine interne carta 90gr
N° 112 facciate (comprensive di copertina e retro-copertina)
dorso da mm.7
ISMN 979-0-9001077-9-4
(cod. BSR-016)
This book was born from the educational experimentation carried out in the last ten years after the reform implemented in music conservatories. The book is an easy-to-read manual divided into two parts: theoretical and practical, which accompanies the student and the teacher, through a gradual path of transpositions written or read at piano of original instrumental pieces, improving the knowledge of orchestral instruments and their peculiarities. The book can be considered preparatory to the next approach of the real reading of the Orchestral Score.
Chiavi Antiche | Vittoriano di Grazia
Formato 21×29,7
Rilegato con Brossura cucita a filo refe
Copertina 250gr plastificata opaca
Pagine interne carta 80gr
N° 88 facciate (comprensive di copertina e retro-copertina)
dorso da mm.6
ISMN 9790900108234
(cod. BSR-084)
This book was born from the educational experimentation carried out in the last ten years after the reform implemented in music conservatories. The book is an easy-to-read manual divided into two parts: theoretical and practical, which accompanies the student and the teacher, through a gradual path of transpositions written or read at piano of original instrumental pieces, improving the knowledge of orchestral instruments and their peculiarities. The book can be considered preparatory to the next approach of the real reading of the Orchestral Score.